Sunday, August 17, 2008

Self confidence is essential in every profession, for every woman

Hi, I am Tamanna. I am working as the Chief Operating Officer at a multi-national company. You can easily call me the one-woman-army of the organization. People fear me, love me and even hate me for my professional dexterity, but I make sure as a woman COO, I break all the widespread myths about female professionals.

I’ve not always been like this. I have seen my bad days and my share of failures. I’ve seen my share of disappointments and hassles, but I’ve learnt to overcome them. And I want girls of my age to learn to overcome their so called short-comings and see life in a new light, like me.

I came to the big city Mumbai 5 years back, with dreams of my own. I wanted to do something big, and I didn’t had an idea, how to do it. I was a simple girl, didn’t know a thing about fashion, wore shabby and outdated designs of salwar suit and two-plats to the office. I didn’t even know how to apply a lipstick or any similar sort of make-up. I was always the tall and fat girl of my school in Lucknow. But in here, out of anxiety and tension I over-ate, and the result was that I soon crossed 60 kilos mark. So, here I was a fat, dark and a shabbily dressed, forgetful girl looking for a job that asked for a responsible person. While my appearance hardly reflected a state-of-mind that was reliable or bankable in anyway.

One fine day, while I struggled to find a job, I met a fashion designer. She told me about the advantage of being a well dress and health-conscious woman. She told me that possibly it was my shabby appearance that was the real reason for my low self-esteem and constant failures. If there is spark in me, then it hardly showed through my dull eyes. I understood what she said, and started taking care of myself.

It began with simple things like keeping my hands and toes fingernails clean. Keeping my skin glowing by applying moisturizer everyday. Believe me; it boosted my confidence in a big way. All of a sudden I was confident about my body. I had nothing to hide. I had good, well maintained skin.

Next, the same friend advised me to visit Anjali Mukerjee’s Total Health. I was skeptical about it as I had already heard a lot about the non-effective weight loss programs. But as soon as I visited them, all my notions changed. Here I met my personalized nutritionist, the one who examined my physical condition first, then made my food chart. I was given all the details on how to loose and then maintain weight. Within 3 months I had lost 4 kgs. In the following months, I lost 7 more.

Soon I realized what self-esteem is all about. I was confident about my presence, looks, the impact I made in the interviews. I was completely in control of my world. I got the job I longed for, and my confidence + efficiency excelled. In the job front, I soon because the most sought after executive, people relied on me and the company was proud to have me as an employee. The rest is history. Today my success story is an anthem among the other girls in my office.